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12 part Electricity & Electronics Sept 2023


A 12 part series learning the basics of electricity and electronics.



This is an ongoing series of lessons every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2pm Eastern time, starting September 11, 2023 and the last day is October 6, 2023

These will all be virtual lessons. You will need to provide your own electronics parts (see the parts list here) or you can rent the electronics level 1 kit here.

You will start off from scratch with no knowledge of electricity and electronics and quickly learn the basics of electricity and electrical safety. You will progress to using an electronics engineer’s tool called a breadboard which you will use to build circuits. Throughout the series you will use microchips, LED’s and various sensors to make electronic organs, sirens, flash lights, and control and special kind of motor called a servo motor which can be used in robotics and smart homes.

Price per seat is $30 for all 12 sessions.


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